ISFO forms the community of interests, among others, to deliver strategic global solutions for the mobilization of high-quality funds in international and domestic markets and effective use of those resources for leapfrogging into a sustainable future.
To achieve this purpose, the activities of ISFO include:
i) Development of strategic programs, initiatives, norms and guidelines for mobilizing funds in the international and domestic markets for fast-tracking the implementation of global sustainable development goals and Paris climate agreement.
ii) Provide a common voice and a powerful platform to its member institutions and governments to gain collective power for raising high-quality funds and using those funds for creating high-income and sustainable economies.
iii) Ingrain sustainability in financial industry.
iv) Support policy interventions required at international and national levels to enable National Development Banks and Value-Driven Financial Institutions to function profitably. This includes creation of fair and transparent markets for mainstreaming sustainable banking and finance and making National Development Banks partners in economic policy and management of their respective governments.
v) Address the issue of achieving higher capitalization levels of member institutions.
vi) Support member institutions in de-risking investments for sustainable development, providing countercyclical funding and driving high-tech and sustainable industrialization in their countries.
vii) Deliver strategic programs for making member Institutions the driving forces in creating high-income and sustainable economies.
viii) Undertake any other activities which contribute towards supporting sustainable development and climate and environmental protection.