The ISFO Logo is designed to signify that international financial system needs renewal and that change is possible. Therefore, lotus flower has been chosen as the logo because it has the power to renew itself and the flower buds reminds us about the process of change as they begin to open.

Lotus flower comes out of murkiness unscathed.

ISFO is born in murky water of financial markets and at a time when the industry of banking and finance is suffering from reputational crisis and considered by many as a symbol of corporate greed. But since ISFO is driven by passion, fueled by innovation and inspired by the purpose of making finance work for all,  it has the solid foundation to make its way through the murky water only to blossom by day and unscathed by the mud of unsustainable environment in which it arose to fulfil its purpose.

Lotus is known globally for its beauty.

ISFO, among other objectives strives to make the world more beautiful by delivering innovative solutions to finance the preservation of our natural environment, combat land degradation and transform to a resource-efficient circular economy in which everyone has a chance to bloom.